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Morning Whistle Group 现阶段提供4款产品和服务

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    Morning Whistle


    • 晨哨封面
    • 晨哨情报
    • 热点事件
    • 市场观察
    • 政策速递
    • 并购事件
    • 交易分析
    • 焦点专题
    • 图说数据
    • 市场活动
    • 大买手
    • 中介圈
  • Focused News service

    Morning Whistle provides all the latest news and insights of China's cross border investments, and selected global M&A news, for Chinese investors. Headquartered in China, Morning Whistle has news offices in world’s major financial and political centers, such as New York, Washington D.C., London and Brussels etc. It currently only provides news in Chinese but can be customized for foreign language users upon request.

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    China Merger

    我们对项目信息进行认证,通过严格的身份认证保证信息来源的真实可靠,并将中国海外并购热门行业进行了科学分类,为至少96个二级行业建立了交易概要(Blind Teaser)的标准格式。同时在线提供智能撮合、早期尽职调查、交易机会跟踪等增值服务。

  • China Merger website (Coming Soon)

    China Merger is an interactive online deal info matching platform that showcases cross-border investment and M&A opportunities around the world and connects global sellers and agencies with active Chinese corporate buyers, accelerating the searching process and reducing info matching cost. It will be launched pretty soon.

  • Merger Whistle Database (Coming Soon)

    Merger Whistle Database is expected to be launched within 2014. It includes global M&A case studies, global investment policies, intermediary/agency database, and M&A tools, etc. It will consolidate comprehensive data and tools for China's cross-border investment and M&A practitioners.

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  • Customized Marketing Events

    Morning Whistle Group assists foreign governments and companies to host integrated marketing activities in China and help them connect with potential Chinese buyers.

  • China Outbound M&A Think Tank

    We are establishing a China Outbound M&A Think Tank. The key members will include leading enterprises with cross-border M&A experiences, professional M&A service agencies and financial institutions. We aim to focus on the national, industrial, and enterprise strategies for China's cross-border investments, and meanwhile train and serve a large scale SME group with our research and consulting projects systematically.

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  • One-stop M&A Chain Management

    Our one-stop services in cross-borderinvestments also include offline forum, training, professional services recommendation and matching.