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Morning Whistle Group旨在搭建唯一针对中国买家的跨境投资并购数据库与互联网项目信息平台。它提供实时的并购新闻和情报,汇聚全球可交易资产信息,并为中小规模的跨境投资并购提供一站式服务管理。

Morning Whistle Group is a Chinese leading platform that provides news, deal info matching, database and offline service to facilitate China's cross-border investments. It includes: A News Platform: It provides all the latest news and insights of China’s cross border investments, and selected global M&A news.
A Database: It consolidates researches, case studies and tools on global M&A activities. A Deal-matching Platform: It is an online deal info matching platform that enables global seller or their agents to seek Chinese buyer's interests for target assets/stakes.

Morning Whistle Group由中国地区最领先的财经媒体《21世纪经济报道》参与发起,作为中国的“华尔街日报”,《21世纪经济报道》在中国境内拥有80万发行量,同时在全球各大金融和政治中心设有新闻中心。

Morning Whistle Group is co-founded by 21st Century Business Herald (21CBH), No.1 financial media in China. Known as the Chinese version Wall Street Journal, 21CBH has a daily circulation of 800,000, its number of followers on social media reaches 2.7 million and the volume of APP download is 4 million.

Morning Whistle Group并不是一个传统意义上的媒体,它由诸多资深媒体、法律、投行人士共同创建,在专业性的基础上,探索用互联网思维、大数据等新一代信息技术,打造国际一流的、具有革命性的投行前期服务。

Led by senior Media Professionals of 21CBH, and with the inputs from other co-founders of lawyer and investment banker, Morning Whistle Group explores to integrate the internet platform to offer info matching and data base products beyond the traditional news services.



The creation and growth of this platform is blessed by the world's sixth wave of M&A, which, unlike any of the past five waves, is mainly driven by China buyers and their huge demands for global assets allocation and integration.